KOLOLA connects people to their project and helps them to explore what others are currently working on. It can help scattered teams to stay in communication, share ideas and co-operate on tasks, meaning that everyone works more cohesively.
Our platform combines modern communication and file storage features to deliver convenient ways to work together on assignments. Users have the ability to collaborate on documents in real-time, as well as to upload and share access to other files.
KOLOLA understands that a lack of time, expertise and willingness can all be major obstacles when it comes to research teams reporting on their outputs and impact. Our unique self-assessment system allows impact activities and personal development to be identified quickly and easily, with minimal training.
KOLOLA supports teams in creating rich, high quality impact reports which detail their outcomes and achievements to funding bodies. It even allows you to drag and drop records from KOLOLA into Researchfish to simplify your team's annual submissions; or can be used to construct an activity timeline, shaping your data into a narrative which can function as a blueprint when drafting REF case studies.
Our approach to activity recording and impact mapping gives everyone much greater oversight of what's being worked on and what's been accomplished. This allows people to engage more broadly with their project by putting focus on achievements that aren't necessarily output driven.
KOLOLA can be customised by managers to capture virtually any output or supporting evidence, and structures that information so that it can immediately be analysed through point-and-click analytics tools.
KOLOLA makes identifying impact and personal development quick and easy, even for users who haven't had extensive research impact or personal development training. Users simply need to complete a short series of YES/NO statements whenever they record an activity and will be prompted to upload applicable evidence in response to their answers. This means that managers can still gather the information they need, whilst researchers can upload their activity as quickly and efficiently as possible.
As the team records activity, their portfolio builds up and becomes a useful tool for individuals to show off their personal contributions to their project. Users can filter the portfolio to display their own involvement and use this as a visual talking point to assist them in appraisals and interviews.
KOLOLA can be deployed across small teams, research projects, doctoral training centers and even entire universities. It provides an easily deployed, off-the-shelf method for connecting groups of researchers, PhD students and support staff together.
KOLOLA works across devices. You can use it on desktop, laptop or mobile, allowing you to record activities and access your portfolio whenever and wherever is convenient to you.
KOLOLA is cloud-based, so it runs entirely in a web browser (IE 11, IE 12, Edge, Safari, Firefox and Chrome are all supported). This means that your team can get up and running quickly, using the software that they already have installed on the majority of their devices.
KOLOLA helps teams to visualise how their project is developing by asking them to record their activity, which could include things like planning events and attending workshops, through to conducting outreach and publishing research. This information is stored centrally in a collaborative ePortfolio which represents everything contributed by everyone towards making their project work.
A wide range of media, documents and other attachments can be added to enrich your activities and be used as direct evidence of value being created. Attachments can be shared with other people, even non-KOLOLA users, making the platform flexible in its ability to respond to queries from stakeholders.
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Use KOLOLA to take minutes, draft documents, share notes, and support the whole research lifecycle. No more hunting through emails or online documents, KOLOLA's flexible activity reporting can structure your workflow just as effectively as it structures a record of your outputs and impact. Upload links to external web pages and documents, or take notes directly in KOLOLA using integrated Etherpads.
KOLOLA allows users to link their activities to external resources, such as web pages and YouTube videos. Optional integration with the KLEIO archiving tool allows permanent copies of external links to be stored and archived, providing a permanent record of press coverage, blog posts and other online content even if those links are changed or deleted.
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KOLOLA allows you to create collections of activities from the project portfolio which can then be saved, shared, exported or analysed. Add notes, attachments and performance metrics to create rich narratives that describe your research and impact.
KOLOLA integrates with most online calendars (including Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar) to pull in data about recorded appointments, helping users to quickly record what they've been doing and minimising data input.
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KOLOLA provides an API that allows integration with your CRIS or other management systems. Our Interchange Helper Chrome extension enables drag-and-drop information transfer from KOLOLA to third party websites like ResearchFish, and our developer SDK allows drag-and-drop support to be easily integrated into other web pages within your organisation.
KOLOLA lets you manage as many portfolios as you want, allowing you to divide people into logical teams or groups. Curating multiple portfolios is really easy with our drag and drop functionality, letting you quickly transfer specific information between portfolios.
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KOLOLA supports Shibboleth, LDAP and ActiveDirectory, allowing your team to access their account using their institutional log-in details.
Corporate branding is available for Premium Tier users which incorporates your logo and colour scheme into the design of your portfolio. API access can also integrate your data with CRIS and other management systems.
Want to use KOLOLA in your next research project? Visit kolola.net/products/research to get an instant online quote for inclusion in your Je-S form. We'll even provide pro-forma text to help you describe KOLOLA in your JoR and Pathways to Impact documents.
KOLOLA supports project management, and makes a great contribution to showing that you have a plan to record and manage your impact. Submit details of your next research project below and we'll e-mail you a quote. We'll even provide pro-forma text to help you explain KOLOLA in your Justification of Resources and Pathways to Impact.
If you're ready to purchase KOLOLA now, or want to discuss site licensing, please visit our sales page.
If you are planning to add KOLOLA to your next funding bid and need to justify us in your justification of resources (JoR) and pathways to impact, we've made life a little easier by providing pro-forma text below which you can copy directly into those documents.
Copy your quote to your Je-S form (Directly Incurred; Other Costs)
0.00/year (inc VAT)
Total Cost:0.00 (inc VAT)
Copy the statement below to your Justification of Resources (JoR) document
KOLOLA Research Platform: KOLOLA will allow us to create an archive of all project outputs; facilitate intra-team communication; record and report on impact-generating activities; and collect project management data. KOLOLA simplifies these tasks and supports more complete recording of impact and activity data that other ad-hoc recording methods We will purchase a license for each member of the research team ( person(s)) for the duration of the project ( year(s)).
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+44 (0)23 8076 0945
KOLOLA Limited is a registered company in England and Wales, company number 08681774. Registered address: 49 School Road, West Wellow, Romsey, SO51 6AR.
© 2015-2025 KOLOLA Limited. All rights reserved. KOLOLA and the KOLOLA mark are registered trademarks of KOLOLA Limited.