You can use KOLOLA for 12 weeks without commitment. Start your free trial by filling in the web form below, and we will contact you to get you set up.
If you want to continue using us after the 12 week trial, include KOLOLA as a costed resource in your next bid. We'll send you a formal quote, and even some text by e-mail to help you complete your Je-S form.
When your bid is successful, get in touch to extend your subscription for the duration of the project.
By completing this form, we will contact you to set you up with a 12 week free trial for a KOLOLA portfolio. There is absolutely zero obligation for you to pay anything or continue using us after the trial is finished; we will simply contact you to discuss your experience and whether you would like to continue using us.
We hope you will love using KOLOLA and will include us as a costed resource in your next funding bid!
Thank you for submitting your details. You will be contacted by a member of our team within the next 2 working days.
We have also e-mailed you a copy of the quote and the pro-forma text below to help you to fill out your justification of resources (JoR) and pathways to impact.
Copy your quote to your Je-S form (Directly Incurred; Other Costs)
0.00/year (inc VAT)
Total Cost:0.00 (inc VAT)
Copy the statement below to your Justification of Resources (JoR) document
KOLOLA Research Platform: KOLOLA will allow us to create an archive of all project outputs; facilitate intra-team communication; record and report on impact-generating activities; and collect project management data. KOLOLA simplifies these tasks and supports more complete recording of impact and activity data that other ad-hoc recording methods We will purchase a license for each member of the research team ( person(s)) for the duration of the project ( year(s)).
+44 (0)23 8076 0945
KOLOLA Limited is a registered company in England and Wales, company number 08681774. Registered address: 49 School Road, West Wellow, Romsey, SO51 6AR.
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