Calendar Imports
Import activities from a shared online calendar (Microsoft Outlook, Google Mail and other systems supported).
How does it Work?
Before you begin, you will need to locate the URL of the calendar you would like to import. Microsoft Outlook users can follow these instructions from the Microsoft Support Centre, whereas Google Calendar users can follow these instructions from the Google Support Site to share the calendar address. Alternatively, you can also download the calendar as a file (.ical) and import that.
Next, you will need to carry out the following steps:
- In the expanded search box, select "My Calendars".
- To begin importing a new calendar, click on the "Add Calendar" button.
- In the window which pops up, give your imported calendar a name (to help you identify it later) and also input the calendar URL. Then click on the "Import Calendar" button and your newly created calendar should appear and be highlighted in orange.
- Click on your highlighted calendar, in the authentication box that appears you will need to enter your Outlook/Gmail sign-in details to access the calendar.
- If you signed in correctly, your calendar details will be displayed and seperated into calendar months. Use the "Next Month" and "Last Month" buttons to change the month you are browsing.
- To import a calendar entry, you must manually select it which will take you through through the "Add Activity" process. Some of the information from the calendar entry will prepopulate applicable fields within the process.
NOTE: KOLOLA only imports data from calendar entries that you manually import and will not import/store any other information (such as dentist appointments!). - Your calendar will remain within the "My Calendars" tool so you can come back and import more activities at a future date.

What can I use this for?
You can import calendar entries as new activities into KOLOLA. This is useful because some of the information, such as dates, will be carried over which can save you time when adding activities. You can also use this function to quickly import past events.