Starting a Competition
KOLOLA contains a friendly competition feature which is designed to encourage users to regularly record their activities and increase overall engagement rates.
Getting Started
Note - Before you can use the competition features, you will first need to enable them on your instance by writing to, and a member of our team will get in touch to discuss the requirements.
For starters, our team will help you to set up the actual competition. We will help you decide:
- An appropriate prize for your organisation to offer winners* (this could be non-uniform days, gift vouchers, chocolates...)
- The best way to divide your users into leagues (these could be a single league for all users, or you may wish to create multiple leagues for users to compete within teams/departments)
- The length of time the competition will run for
Our team can also provide template e-mails which you can use to advertise the competition to users.
* Your organisation will be required to organise and finance any prizes it would like to offer.
How does it work?
The competition itself works a little bit like a raffle. Whenever a user adds an activity to KOLOLA, they will earn a COW (Chance Of Winning) ticket. The more tickets that the user collects, the greater their chance of having their ticket drawn and winning at the end of the competition.
Users compete within assigned leagues (so you might have the marketing team compete with one another, or divide users into competing groups). This allows for multiple winners to be declared at the end of the competition because each league will yield an individual winner.
This system helps to keep things competitive because some users may be in a better position to record more activities (and have a greater chance of winning) than others, so users can be grouped in a league to compete with other users in a similar situation to themselves.
Accessing Competition Statistics
- Users can track their progress in the competition against other users by clicking on the "Competition Statistics" button in the toolbar at the top of the screen (this icon will only appear if competition features have been enabled on your instance).
- Users can view statistics about the number of activities they have recorded over time, as well as their relative position in the competition to other users in the same league as them.
- The league tables show the relative positions of users across each league. This adds a friendly competitive element to the competition!

Picking a Winner
As part of setting up the competition, our team will arrange a date to contact you towards the end of the competition period and provide you with tools for selecting the winners.